Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lowe's vs. Home Depot (#2)

Home Depot = 2
Lowe's = 3

A few weeks ago I got my rebate check from Home Depot - or so I thought. I don't make it to the bank that often to deposit checks, so I put the check in my purse and have been carrying it around. I finally opened the check, you know one of those things you get with the perforated edges, only to find out it wasn't a check at all. It was a letter saying:

"We appreciate your purchase, but unfortunately your submission for the Behr paint rebate offer was invalid for the following reason(s):
* Based on information provided on your cash register receipt, our records indicate that your paint was not purchased within the promotion dates."

Um, I really thought it was? That's why I bought the paint when I did.

So I double-checked my receipt and the copy of the rebate form that I'm glad I made a copy of. The promotion was July 4th weekend, and my receipt is dated on July 4, 2006. I would assume that if the promotion is June something through July 4th, that those dates are INCLUSIVE. i.e. the promotion is through the end of the day on July 4th... it doesn't end the morning of July 4th. So as far as I'm concerned, my paint WAS purchased within the promotion dates.

I re-read the fine print on the rebate form. It says "Purchase gallon and/or five gallon-sized cans of BEHR Interior and Exterior Paints ... between July 29, 2006 and July 4, 2006."

Really? Between JULY 29 and July 4?

Ok, let me read the version written in Spanish:
"... entre el 29 de junio y el 4 de julio de 2006." Junio=June. Julio=July. So in Spanish it says between JUNE 29 and JULY 4 2006. Good thing I know a little Spanish huh?

Ok, the English and Spanish version say different things. Great. (Idiots).

I'm pretty sure they really meant June 29, given that the promotion was called "July 4th weekend promotion" or something like that. Either way, I bought my paint ON July 4th. So I should be covered even if it was July 4 - July 29.

So maybe they just have a computer program to determine this, that wouldn't work given wrong dates:
if purchaseDate less_than_or_equal_to endDate
and purchaseDate greater_than_or_equal_to beginDate
then valid
otherwise invalid


if 7/4/06 less_than_or_equal_to 7/4/06 (ok here)
and 7/4/06 greater_than_or_equal_to 6/29/06 (ok here too)
then valid


if 7/4/06 less_than_or_equal_to 7/4/06 (ok here)
if 7/4/06 greater_than_or_equal_to 7/29/06 (nope!!!!!)

Hmm... could this be the problem? That stinks. Which means I guess I need to call them. What a pain!!!

Home Depot -1

Home Depot = 1
Lowe's = 3

Update: I managed to get the nerve to call their 1800 number to complain. The guy asked for my name and address and looked up my rebate in their computer. He asked for the date on my receipt, and I said July 4, 2006. He said "we show here that your purchase date was July 5th". I said, well I'm looking at my receipt and it definitely says July 4th". So he told me to just mail a copy of the receipt with the letter they sent me back to them again. So I have to mail it in again! It's the same receipt I copied before, and it CLEARLY says July 4th. He just responded "well sometimes those things get mixed up." Um yeah. If I had been thinking (which I often don't do when I'm calling customer service lines) I would have asked if they could just take another look at the papers I sent them in the first place. Of course they may not still have them I guess. Whatever information was fat-fingered into the computer is gospel after all, right? Sheesh.

The only way that they wouldn't have lost another point for this was if they were to send me my rebate without any further action on my part once I made that phone call. So, -1 more for Home Depot. And possibly more to come depending on how it plays out.

Home Depot = 0
Lowe's = 3

Update 12/14/06: I finally got my Home Depot rebate check for the paint this week. Let's see, I originally sent the form in on July 17. Got what I thought was the check at the beginning of September. Called to complain mid-September once I realized it wasn't a check but a form saying that the submission was invalid (even thought it wasn't). Resubmitted my stuff in September. Got my check Mid December, about 13 weeks later. They said "allow 11-13 more weeks for processing." They weren't kidding huh. 5 months for a lousy 5 bucks.


Gayle said...

Not unless I pick Lowe's in the draft before you do :P

Anonymous said...

I was really hoping to like Home Depot....but I guess I do live closer to Lowes : )

Although Home Depot did have a great deal on fans last spring (two years ago?) and a 10% discount for me having to wait in line. Hmm...maybe this says that in store customer service in Hilliard is much better than phone customer service.

Oh no, I just realized, we are getting very old if we are spending Wednesdays nights at home blogging about home improvement rebates! haha


Unknown said...

I still vote for Home Depot over Lowe's. Home Depot has always been great at processing returns without hassling me, etc.

I think you made the correct decision in buying paint at Home Depot. Lowe's simply cannot customize colors to save their lives. I'm not sure why Home Depot is able to custom color match with such precision. Oh, and Behr paint is, by far, the best paint I have ever used.

Gayle said...

Yes I agree, as mentioned in an earlier post about Lowe's vs. Home Depot, returns are very no-hassle at Home Depot! :)

As for the paint, well I bought paint for one room at Lowe's b/c they had one color that I wanted, and paint for another room at Home Depot b/c they had a different color that I wanted. Neither had to color match per-se since it was their own paint, so there was no problem there. But Home Depot does have a very nice color matching system. And Behr is a good paint.

kat_cafe said...

I am impressed by the information that you have on this blog. It shows how well you understand this subject.

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