Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Lawn Sucks

Well, given the extremely hot weather lately, my lawn is definitely not as green anymore. But actually it's pretty good except for right next to the driveway. Not sure if that's just rockier soil or what.

I put the Scott's crabgrass preventer stuff down in the spring. But does anyone know what this is?

Is it Crabgrass? I thought it was. And maybe it is. But this description of Dallisgrass maybe seems more accurate

because the stuff in my yard is a little lighter in color (even though it looks darker than the brown grass in the picture) and the article says it tends to thrive in wet areas with lots of heat (I have been watering that area more, and it has been hot outside).

So I'm not sure what to do exactly. If I pull it up and reseed, well that will look like crap for awhile. Plus it might be too hot to reseed right now. (and my neighbor will probably think the dead grass spot is bugs, hahah) But at the same time, I've read stuff that says it's better to wait until fall and reseed. Because regular grass will germinate and grow roots in the fall, but crabgrass dies out once it gets cooler. Yet, if I let it go for now and this stuff starts spreading to my neighbor's yard I'm sure he wouldn't be too happy about that.

I've also got some other weeds in the corner, and I have no idea what this is.

(this is what it looks like "in context")

Here's what it looks like after I yanked some of it out to get a closer look:

If anyone has seen this stuff before, let me know!

Hmm... maybe I'm the one who needs something better to pay attention to.


Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of condo yardwork! : ) Sorry I can't be of help!


Gayle said...

Good idea, Becca. :) I really do enjoy yardwork, despite my recent complaining! I love doing stuff outside. Normally my inside-housework suffers in the Spring and Summer b/c I'm out in the yard a lot!

Gayle said...

For what it's worth, the first 2 years I've lived in my house, my lawn has become fairly brown-ish in the hot summer months. And I was too lazy to water it. But it still would come up nice and green again in the Spring. So my conclusion was that it must be as long as one was fertilizing, the lawn would be fine again in the Spring. (I could be wrong) It's these lovely little extra non-grass plants in the yard that I'm not so sure about now. :)

Unknown said...

My lawn always browns up this time of year regardless of my past efforts to prevent it.