Monday, July 10, 2006

Spanish Slang word-o-the-day

It seems lately that I've learned most of my Spanish slang from watching comedian Carlos Mencia on Comedy Central. He can be kinda vulgar, but he's pretty funny.

The best is watching it with the closed captioning turned on, because sometimes they write out the Spanish words that he says, and I can go look them up. Although I usually try to make a guess based on context first.

The word I learned yesterday was "mijo", which he used twice. One was when he said something about his "aunt mijo". The other was something like "... and then my mom said to me, 'hey, mijo..."

So I thought it must mean something like "dude"? And in context, I think he was making fun of some aunt that was particularly masculine.

I wasn't too far off. According to, mijo means:

> 1.
> Conjoined spanish slang of affection. Mi + hijo, "my son." Can be said to any man or boy,
> usually by an older person. Can also mean "my dear" "sweetie" or "hun."

> 2.
> Spanish term of affection, meaning my sweetheart, baby, honey, etc. Used between lovers
> or other close people the way honey can be used.
> Also may mean son, or the female version mija means daughter. This derives from "my son"
> or "mi hijo". "Mi hijo" = "M'ijo" = "Mijo" so its basically a shortened version of this. Alternate
> versions: mijito, m'ijo
> Ay, mijo, I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Notice here the alternate version "mijito" (see the ito/ita discussion in a previous post)

And I don't know how reliable this one is, but I liked this definition:

> 5.
> A friend or "homeboy" in a new slang created by Paul "the mijo" A.
> Someone you trust and know.
> you are my mijo

There were a few other definitions, but these pretty much sum it up.

Hasta Luego, mijos!


Gayle said...

It is pronounced Mee-Ho.

Unfortunately for you, I would be your Mee-Ha not your Mee-Ho, cuz I'm a girl :P

Unknown said...

It should be noted that Carlos Mencia is also quite a bit of a racist with respect to his humor. However, in addition to the oh-so-popular dick and fart jokes, ethnic raillery tends to rank right up there for most people. heh.