Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Kitchen Remodeling 2006

My big project this year has been remodeling my kitchen. I started getting estimates back in I think February/March of 2006. Next I decided on a company, decided on specifics (like flooring, countertops, cabinets, knobs), and the work started in May. That job took them just a little over 2 weeks.

Next came painting the walls, which I got around to doing in July.

Last was electrical work that just happened last weekend (Nov 11). This could have been done by the initial contractors. But my brother works for an electrician, he wanted to learn some things, I wanted to save some money, so we opted to have my brother's boss help us out and do that ourselves. Although I still kicked some money his way for his time, expertise, and gas money driving an hour to get here.

So now that everything is DONE, I figured it's a good time to post some Before and After photos:

Here are lots more pictures for anyone interested.


Anonymous said...

Great job! I love the lights! (and everything else!) Good job having a vision and going through with it until the end!


Anonymous said...

What's for dinner? I'll be right over. Seriously, it looks great Gayle. That was $$ well spent.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - that last anonymous was from me!

Gayle said...

Thanks so much everyone! I really don't know how I would have done it without the help of my brother Dan, who was living w/ me at the time and was with me when I went to talk to the contractors and make decisions.

Thanks also to everyone who helped with demolition of the old kitchen. That was harder work than I anticipated and your time and effort was greatly appreciated.

Rick Kierner said...

I Like it Gayle. I can't believe it's been over a year since I've been to your house???