Tuesday, November 20, 2007

CodeMash 2008

CodeMash – I'll be there!

I have to admit I'm "geeked out" about being registered for the CodeMash conference in Sandusky Ohio this January! I didn't get to go last year. But everyone I know who went last year said it was great, so I expect nothing less this year. Good opportunity to network with other techy folks, learn and absorb as much information as I can, and hopefully squeeze in a little fun time too.

I got a chance to help test the conference registration web site a few months ago, and that was fun. Not in an I-have-the-patience-to-do-this-every-day kind of way (I truly respect our QA testers at work!) but in a cool-to-be-given-the-opportunity and-then-thanked-for-the-great-work-and-detailed-report kind of way. I may be detailed, and organized, but if I've learned nothing else: being good at something and liking to do something on a daily basis are totally different things. ;) So, for now I strive to become a better developer b/c that's where my passion lies at this point in my career. As with everything in life, that's subject to change as time goes by :)

Anyone reading this who would be interested in going, registration is still open

CodeMash Software Developer Conference
LOCATION: Kalahari Resort and Indoor Waterpark, Sandusky, OH
DATES: January 9-11, 2008
COST: $175 by Jan 5, $250 after Jan 5
"The CodeMash software developer conference was designed to bring together developers of different technologies, languages, and platforms to learn from one another.
Python, Java, .NET, Ruby and PHP are all represented. And, we're adding an Open Spaces component this year, which will allow the participants to formalize those hallway discussions that are usually the most productive part of going to a conference."